Monday, January 17, 2011

to blog or not to blog

I am normally a private, borderline secretive person. So why contribute to the noise when thousands of people around the globe are already yammering 24/7 about every conceivable topic, cluttering up the collective consciousness until it all loses meaning?

My reasons are selfish. As an artist, one of my resolutions is to get better at sharing. You'd think that would be second nature to creative types like me; otherwise, why create? The reality is, instead of sharing, we tend to spend more time cowering in the corner, hoarding our ideas and second-guessing ourselves (or at least I do).

To me, sharing means not taking yourself too seriously, learning to cope with feedback, and being brave enough to go out on a limb. It’s about admitting you’re vulnerable instead of trying to appear impenetrable. These are all things I could stand to work on.

Like most writer/artist types I have filled thousands of notebook pages with stream-of-consciousness over the years, describing every malaise in minute detail, clinging to it like a precious badge of honour. In the past few months I have discontinued this unhealthy habit, and feel a lot better overall. My hope is that sorting out my  thoughts on filmmaking and the creative process in the public eye will distract me from the neurotic state of melancholy that I might otherwise wallow in. 

Welcome to my open meditation.

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