Wednesday, June 22, 2011


As you may have noticed lately, my posts have become a bit fewer and farther between. I have to admit, I've been doing less writing in general for the past few weeks. The thing is, summertime in Canada is short and sweet and we have to get out and enjoy it while we can.

It's not that I'm blocked--I have more ideas bubbling away than I can keep up with--I simply acknowledge that there is a time for everything, and, as a creative type, taking care of the body is just as important as taking care of the mind. In fact, as Mark Fenske, associate professor at the University of Guelph and co-author of The Winner's Brain: 8 Strategies Great Minds Use to Achieve Success writes here, physical activity and periods of mind-wandering are now known to propagate spontaneous thought (and often, creativity). I am a true believer in this, since I often get my best ideas while jogging or going on long walks in quiet, familiar surroundings. Furthermore, there are few things worse for your body than sitting at a desk for hours on end, as explained by this alarming article.

So, instead of feeling guilty about it, I have resolved to get out and get physical on nice days, and save the hammering at the keyboard for rainy ones. Who knows--perhaps it may even improve my work. Either way, it's an experiment I'm willing to try.

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