Wednesday, March 16, 2011

viewing distance

Please excuse my absence these past two weeks--I have been extremely busy in all spheres of my life, both the day job and the filmmaking (travel, grant deadlines, frantically rewriting in order to shop the script around, etc.). Anyway, hopefully the busy-ness will pay off with some opportunities down the line.

In the game of endless second-guessing known as rewriting, there comes a time when you have to step back. At this point, you cut things out only to turn around and put them back in, you rearrange things only to realize that you've killed the momentum, you endlessly say to yourself "what if I did _____ instead?" and follow dead leads until you drive yourself crazy. You absolutely hate what you've written and can't imagine why anyone would want to read, let alone make, your script. This is when it's time for a break, some viewing distance, so that when you come back to it after a while, you can make objective judgments or maybe even feel a sense of pride over that pile of paper you slaved over.

This is where I'm at with my latest project. But it's ok; I've got another one that's been calling my name for some time now. After a couple of weeks of resting my weary brain (and hopefully getting outside for a change), I will sit down give it the attention it deserves.

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